

Kionix‘s 6-Axis Accel-Gyro Combo Sensors at Industry-Leading Low Power Consumption

2016-06-15 | Return
Ithaca, NY and Kyoto, Japan – June 15, 2016 – Kionix, Inc., a leader in the design and manufacture of MEMS solutions, announces immediate sample availability of two new flagship 6-axis Accelerometer-Gyroscope combos: the KXG07 and the KXG08. "Our new products represent a significant technological leap forward in reducing the power consumption of 6-axis solutions," says Nader Sadrzadeh, President and CEO of Kionix. "High power consumption has traditionally hindered the adoption rate of gyros across a variety of platforms. Kionix has now eliminated this barrier, benefiting applications in Mobile, Gaming, IoT, and Wearables where power is most critical."

The KXG07 and KXG08 incorporate a newly developed, proprietary technology which dramatically lowers the power consumption of the gyroscope. The KXG08 is packaged in a conventional 2.5mm x 3mm x 0.9mm 14-pin LGA, while the KXG07 is offered in a 3mm x 3mm x 0.9mm 16-pin LGA package with footprint compatible with many of Kionix's discrete accelerometers. These new solutions enable full high-speed operation of the onboard accelerometer, gyroscope, and temperature sensor at industry-leading low-power consumption levels as low as 0.2mA. This reduces sensor power consumption over comparable devices and brings the combined operation of the gyroscope and accelerometer to levels traditionally associated with standalone accelerometers. These products include synchronization functionality, a 4,096-byte buffer and support for controlling and acquiring data from external sensors.
